If I could get training on a Sunday.. the only day that my hubby is available to babysit, the only day that I have someone available to drive me where I need to go... YES..... I'd have done more training by now.
I live close to the city BUT ONLY if you have a driver's license.
Where I live, public transport is so abysmal, it's nearly non-existant. Usually only during rush hours. Throughout the day, only certain stops at 2hrs, then different stops another 2hrs later. In other words, my closest stop, the bus passes at 4hr intervals.
The cost of travel by the multiple busses and metros that I would have to take almost equals what I would have to pay a babysitter, to go for a course for only one day. So, travel and babysitting would cost me about 60$.
Plus, the time it takes to travel that way, to and from is about 4hrs.
If I did it on a Sunday, my hubby could drive me, a total of 20-30min drive away.
Plus, I wouldn't have to pay for a babysitter.
So YES YES if courses were available on Sunday's, I'd be there with bells on.