Hi geeks, I have a friend who lives in Amsterdam and when she was over at Easter I did her nails. She has acrylic overlays and I just Gelished over the top. She loved it and now she's back in Holland she wanted to get it done again. She phoned where she normally gets her overlays done and said she wanted them soaked off and the SOG applied. They wouldn't do it! She then went to anther place who did it but REALLY didn't want to! They told her it would only last a few days and then chip and that it was rubbish. They only had clear gel, no colours and the product is Gelac. I've never used it and read somewhere that it had been discontinued so maybe that's why.... Is anyone on here in Amsterdam? Just wondered what they use over there and is SOG not really out yet? My friend has done some acrylic training in the past and so is thinking of getting an account with Nail Harmony (If they ship there?) and buying Gelish to do her own nails!