What is your cheekiest request ever?


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This wasn't a request but I thought it was cheeky Reading all these post just reminded me about it.
Where I used to work a girl was booked in for a bikini wax, one of the girls I worked with did it and was that shocked told us all about it when they left. the girls boyfriend went in the treatment room with her, while she was being waxed he kept watching really close getting in the way of the therapist and THEN started stroking the smooth skin saying "haven't you got a lovely ........" when the therapist left the girl to get dressed, the couple was in the room for ages, when they finaly came out the guy had his zip open.

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Oh my! I've had the 'what about a happy ending' when asking for a massage, phone was put right down, cheeky sod. Also one man asked if he could give me a 'facial' Nice lol
The best Ive had is a client I had done a few times texted to book next mani and asked if she could give me x amount this week and x amount the next week! I really had to stop myself from saying 'Sure, so I'll do your right hand this week and your left hand next week' Needless to say I told her I couldnt do that, it wasnt a trust thing because I know she would of paid but I cant start doing that as she will expect that all the time. I havent heard from her since. Don't need that kind of client :rolleyes:
I've got a doozy,
I've just finished a client who was late. At the end of her treatment, she said. "you don't mind if I get changed here do you as I'm going out for dinner" not only did she get changed, she did her makeup and then brushed her teeth in my sink ha ha ha ha. Bloody good job she's been coming to me for years.

Deb the mug lol x
Years ago when I was 21, whilst waxing the legs of a regular client, I was asked if I would like to be her egg doner. She'd discussed it with her husband and they were prepared to buy me a small new car in exchange(how kind)! Once again I declined and made a sharp exit!

I'll take the car, I'm done with my eggs anyway LOL

I know! You'd want to spank his cheeks for being cheeky, but that's what he wants! Some people.

hmmm I probably would have let the wax cool a bit more than usual and pull it slower "oh whoops, did I make you bleed?" But then, that probably wouldn't have helped matters either if he likes spanking.. hmmmmmmmmmm what a dither LOL:eek:

I've been asked if I'll give discounts if they bring their own tips/polish/acrylic etc.... Obviously the answer is heck no.:rolleyes:

I've been asked if I take clients at midnight???? errrr NO!

Been asked to travel 45min out of my way for a 10$ service... are you KIDDING? That's how much it'll cost in gas one way!

Been asked if my hubby wouldn't mind climbing up onto the client's roof to check her leaky skylight?? (that was a NO too, I won't let him on OUR roof, he's such a danger to himself).

Been asked by a client if I'd cancel the one already scheduled to take her on???

some special folks out there.
The scenario, me in bed snoring my little head off, 1.30 am my mobile rings (usually have it on silent), my Mum hadn't been well she had been to the hospital a few times, so I thought it was her or my Dad...

Me: Hello, Mum? Everything ok ?
Not Mum: Oh er hi, I found your number on the internet.
Me: Yeah?
Not Mum: Yeah, I er would like a massage.
Me: Do you think you could ring back at a more appropriate time.
Not Mum: Well, I kinda wanted it right now!
Me looking at the clock: You...want...a...massage...right...now?
Not Mum: Yeah and anything else you can give, am I out of order?
Me: Er yeah, look mate I'm a complementary therapist not an effin prostitute, now eff off and don't ring this number again.

I am not normally upset by this kind of phonecall, but this one got to me, took me ages to go back to sleep :( and I laugh about it now. Since then I do question men and tell them that I use a local health shop room, they normally say don't worry, thanks anyway LOL :)
Was just wondering why some clients ring at shocking hours but he obviously wanted a "lady of the night" and thought it was appropriate to ring at silly o'clock.

These stories are all corkers, keep them coming fellow geeks

Cheeky yes! So I finished the intimate waxing on a regular client. She was a good client and heavy tipper. Last time I saw her..."hey hon, you're a mom, can you kiss it better?!?" Ah, not likely! :eek:

Had an elderdly man in his sixties who liked my aromatherapy massage, his wife was a weekly hair client in the salon. One day they both came in to have their treatments, afterward they asked if I would mind if they could use my room for some personal business, and I could watch if I wanted. :eek: Good Grief! If I wanted to watch porn it would not be of elderly people getting it on!
I am actually amazed at the daft hours clients phone up.

A few months ago I got a reply from someone who had joined my mailing list, she said she wasnt interested in the special offer I had e-mailed out and had no interest in nails at all. Something along the lines of "this is not what I want". She wanted her hair done, asked loads of questions about hair and weaves & prices etc.

I thought to myself, where does it mention ANYTHING about hairdressing on my website?

I replied I'm a beauty therapist not a hairdresser, and she comes back with, 'FINE then, plz jus connect me with a hairdresser'..

I sent her the link to yell.com apologizing that I was a bit busy to track down other professionals for her right now. I hardly even come into contact with any mobile hairdressers.


Divine Beauty
Mobile Beauty & Holistics in Newcastle Upon Tyne
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I had one once, she booked herself and 2 teenage daughters in for a file & polish each as she was getting married on the weekend. That was fine, it wouldn't take very long so I squeezed them in when I should have been having my lunch.

They were quite nice, nothing out of the ordinary. I had painted the first daughters nails and was just finishing up the mothers when she asked me if I could "Put some nails on her other daughter first"

Me: 'Do you mean a set of nails extensions, then polish? I'm sorry, I had to squeeze you in today, I don't have time to do a full set of nails.'
The Mother: 'But it only takes ten minutes, are you sure you don't have enough time?'
Me: 'Ten minutes???!!! I'm sorry, but it will take a fair bit longer than ten minutes to do a set, I really don't have enough time as my next client is due shortly.'
The Mother: 'No it really does take only ten minutes, it says so on the box!'
Me: :eek::eek::eek: 'What box?'

She then proceeds to pull out a box of do it yourself acrylic nails from Woolies to show me.

I politely declined doing the set as i really couldn't spare the time, she decided to go home and apply the nails herself to the daughter and forego the file & polish. :grr:

They were lovely clients and meant well, but were really misinformed about the different types of products available. I would have liked to have the time to explain the different types/quality of products on the market as I think she honestly just didn't know that these nails were not the same kind that salons use.
Ahh requests for those cheapy sticky on nails are a pet peeve of mine, especially when I get told off clients that so and so or certain salons actually have them on their price lists. I have checked and it is true in some cases.

Also the whole "umm if we have 2 treatments each can we have discount?? Cos that salon down the road does that" or "Well, since theres 4 of us having a nail paint do we get money off? Does someone get it for free?"
Here is an email I recently received:

Where is your salon located in comparison to central London do you have call out facility? I am in Knightsbridge central London, I am in need of waxing my abs penis and chest could you book me in for tomorrow morning I will pay extra or call you to confirm right now £350 for incall to my house? I will be grateful if you give me hand release aswel I will not tell anyone.

Let me know I will call to confirm

Best wishes


I don't even offer mobile waxing... :eek:
I'm Not in the profession yet but will be training in l&p and gel soon, can't wait until I have some stories to share. In the mean time I have loved reading all these and many made me laugh! Thanks for sharing geeks. Jade x x
I had a lady once ask if she could have a discount on a lip wax as 'there wasn't much there'... err.. no!!

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