What's it like to live in the UK?


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The biggest scandals we get in government are mainly related to s*x!!

You certainly are right there.... our Government people certainly know how to have a good time between the sheets :lol: :lol:

There are without doubt MP's who are working for their own ends, but my point is that we live in a democracy with freedom of information so the widespread corruption that is seen in some African countries can not happen here. The biggest scandals we get in government are mainly related to s*x!!

what about the amount of expenses they have...cant remember exact figures now...about 650 mps...each able to claim up to 120 grand per year in expenses WITHOUT accounting for it...then theres the rest of their expenses that are accounted for...thats nearly EIGHTY MILLION SQUIDS a year!!!...all paid for by us..the taxpayer....the biggest scandal in our government is TAX as were all aware i think.
what about the amount of expenses they have...cant remember exact figures now...about 650 mps...each able to claim up to 120 grand per year in expenses WITHOUT accounting for it...then theres the rest of their expenses that are accounted for...thats nearly EIGHTY MILLION SQUIDS a year!!!...all paid for by us..the taxpayer....the biggest scandal in our government is TAX as were all aware i think.

I'm not getting into a political debate, and believe me I'm no Labour sympathiser, but my point is that all this info is in the public domain - we know about it.

Believe what you will, but accusing people of 'fiddling' when they can't defend themselves is pointless - none of us really know what goes on, good and bad.......
I'm not getting into a political debate, and believe me I'm no Labour sympathiser, but my point is that all this info is in the public domain - we know about it.

Believe what you will, but accusing people of 'fiddling' when they can't defend themselves is pointless - none of us really know what goes on, good and bad.......

*anna puts on her scouse accent and black curly wig* ...calm down calm down....lets just agree to disagree! lol
I'm not getting into a political debate, and believe me I'm no Labour sympathiser, but my point is that all this info is in the public domain - we know about it.

Believe what you will, but accusing people of 'fiddling' when they can't defend themselves is pointless - none of us really know what goes on, good and bad.......

Ain't that the truth ... even the papers can't get the story straight. If they can't even get a 'nail' related story right what hope have they got of getting anything else more complicated correct.

Figures mean nothing as they can be so easily manipulated to tell the story someone wants to tell.

I've got better ways to spend my time than spouting meaningless information.
Ain't that the truth ... even the papers can't get the story straight. If they can't even get a 'nail' related story right what hope have they got of getting anything else more complicated correct.

Figures mean nothing as they can be so easily manipulated to tell the story someone wants to tell.

I've got better ways to spend my time than spouting meaningless information.

if your refering to my information...then it is not meaningless...it is FACT...not out of the newspapers...i rarely buy a newspaper due to the fact they talk a load of rubbish....I 'could' give you plenty more facts figures and goings on but I wont...my duracel just ran out!...im off to recharge...choa!
if your refering to my information...then it is not meaningless...it is FACT...not out of the newspapers...i rarely buy a newspaper due to the fact they talk a load of rubbish....I 'could' give you plenty more facts figures and goings on but I wont...my duracel just ran out!...im off to recharge...choa!

Praise the Lord!!
I think the worse thing about the uk are all the wingers in it.British people just love to moan don't they. Too hot ,too cold,too wet too dry,no money,too much of this not enough of that.If we believed the papers we will all be destitute very soon and be living somewhere worse than any third world country.
Your lifes what you make its about making the right choices and a bit of luck thrown in.
OMG, I really can't believe I have read 5 pages of negativity! I rarely post, but feel I have to say ma piece (as a Geordie who emmigrated to Scotland over 20 years ago :green:)
As an ex paramedic I know 1st hand how hard NHS staff work. The system is far from brilliant, but I defy anyone to say you don't get value for your money. OK some people CAN afford to jump the queue and go private. But if it's life or death, you get your treatment whether rich or poor. Your National Insurance is paid for 2 reasons mainly, your NHS care, and to go towards your state pension. I think for the amount of money people pay it's well worth it.

As for governments, thats all personal opinion, so I won't comment.

I would love to go live abroad (and open my salon on the QE2) but, even so, I would deffo miss the UK. Gimme glorious sunshine 24/7 and I wouldnt even HOLIDAY abroad, this country has it all, big cities, glorious countryside, a great history to be proud of, oh, and my favourite thing up ere, the ability to wear a KILT!!

If you dislike something so bad, don't moan, try and DO something to change it if it's that bad?
My glass is always half full not half empty, gotta look on the positive, lifes too short

OK I've rambled for long enuff (about not alot, as I just read it, but am postin anyways lol)
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But if it's life or death, you get your treatment whether rich or poor.

Finally..!! someone who reads into the main point in my post..!!

We as nail technicians save nails but these NHS staff save lives.

Go figure that out.
well good morning all! All you guys that claim to never moan about anything NEWSFLASH...notice how you have actually all been moaning!!!!!!!!...stop having a go at people for putting their opinion in...EVERYONE is entitled to their opinion be it a good one or a bad one. Like I already siad...EVERYBODY has SOMETHING to complain about...that doesnt make us all negative miserable people....that makes us normal and human!

I will add that believe it or not i too am a very positive person and I am happy and content with my life in general.....but i have my own mind and my own opinions and im not afraid to use them whether you like it or not...9 times out of 10 i will see a funny side or positive side to something...so dont try getting personal..you don't know me.

I have already said that englands not all bad...it has plenty of good points etc...in fact it has lots of good points..my point was always that the good points are diminishing.
this is getting soooo boring now! topic over!

everybody join in now..........
if ya happy and ya know it clap ya hands....if ya happy and ya know it clap ya hands....if ya happy and ya know it and ya really want to show it..........if ya happy and ya know it clap ya hands!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :green::green::green::green::green::green::green::green::green::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::
I feel really guilty now for posting the post I did earlier, so I just thought I'd put this in and we could all sing along !
(I know it's about England so I do apologise to any one who's Scottish, Welsh or Irish but hey! I'm proud to be English x)
And did those feet in ancient time
Walk upon England's mountains green
And was the holy lamb of God
On England's pleasant pastures seen
And did the countenance divine
Shine forth upon our clouded hills
And was Jerusalem builded here
Among those dark Satanic mills
Bring me my bow of burning gold
Bring me my arrows of desire
Bring me my spears o'clouds unfold
Bring me my chariot of fire
I will not cease from mental fight
Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand
'Til we have built Jerusalem
In England's green and pleasant land
'Til we have built Jerusalem
In England's green and pleasant land
I think its policies over the years that have made people feel how they have and left them with the opinions they have. I spent years living in Norway dreaming of coming back to the point I made myself ill, or worse than usual anyway :lol:. Since we have been back I have wondered why I wanted to come back. It is not the country we left behind 7, almost 8 years ago are not the ones I see now. Staff in both the education and NHS services are overstretched and trying to make the best of systems pulled around to make figures look good. All power to them for continuing to make the very best of what they do the very best they know how. They all deserve medals!

We though are heading back to Norway next year. I really was seeing greener pastures in this country of ours and I ignored everyone who said I was making a mistake amongst family and friends. None of them are surprised I want to go back. The UK is indeed a great and glorious place, it will always be home, just not how it once was. :hug::hug:
The Place is depressing! We work long hours, we pay over inflated prices for fuel. Clothes, makeup, electronics, cars etc are overpriced and can be bought abroad for much cheaper. I go to riga to buy clothes!

The weather is awful and we now have a lot of severe flooding causing misery to thousands of families and the government dont help. The crime rate is ridiculous. Gun crime is rising daily and is no longer just happening in the cities. Our police would rather catch drivers breaking the speed limit than preventing other crimes.

I have lived in a major city and now live in a town in a country setting, and they both have good and bad points.

I dont feel safe living here anymore, I am planning on emigrating in a few years time. I am sick to death of the failing schools, failing hospitals, failing economy and ridiculous house/electric & gas prices.

The Place is depressing! We work long hours, we pay over inflated prices for fuel. Clothes, makeup, electronics, cars etc are overpriced and can be bought abroad for much cheaper. I go to riga to buy clothes!

The weather is awful and we now have a lot of severe flooding causing misery to thousands of families and the government dont help. The crime rate is ridiculous. Gun crime is rising daily and is no longer just happening in the cities. Our police would rather catch drivers breaking the speed limit than preventing other crimes.

I have lived in a major city and now live in a town in a country setting, and they both have good and bad points.

I dont feel safe living here anymore, I am planning on emigrating in a few years time. I am sick to death of the failing schools, failing hospitals, failing economy and ridiculous house/electric & gas prices.


What a ray of sunshine you are :)!!!!! There is so much to be positive about in this country - we live in a democracy, we have free at the point of need healthcare, we have a benefit system that delivers at the point of need, we have green countryside, we have cosmopolitan cities and towns, we have architecture and history, we have no poisonous creatures, we have Russell Brand, we invented football and cricket, we are the birthplace of Shakespeare, William Churchill and Harry Potter, we have low infant mortality, we have both the Scots and the French to argue with (in jest of course!) and personally I love the changes in the weather - I think wall to wall sunshine would be a bit boring!

If you want to emigrate, good luck to you - all countries have good and bad points. Maybe one day you'll look at the UK with nostalgic eyes. I think sometimes you don't realise what you have until you don't have it any more.......

Anyway, I like it here :lol::lol:
Well speaking as an imigrant lol, I came from Germany to the UK 30 years near enough to the date. Oh yes this country isn't perfect, but show me a country that is.....
I love it here, I made it my home and my home it is xxx
WOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I recieved alot of responses on this topic:eek: Didnt mean to get anyone upset:|.
Thank you all for your imput.

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