That is exactly what has happened, government have made major cuts.
If I'd have done my level 3 last year I would have received it free.
A lot of geeks on here are saying that its not like that at all but obviously I can only speak of my experience and my college.
At my college, you can get your 1st Level 3 free if you are under 25. Last year, age was irrelevant.
And that was my whole point in the begining, very frustrating.
Anyways, I have a meeting this Friday with the Head of Hair & Beauty Dept and the deputy head principle to see what can be done about the situation.
Age discrimination methinks.
I don't think that it's age discrimination at all.
As pointed out previously the government have to cap the age limit at some age.
I think that's a fair age, at 25 you are an adult, and most will have previous employment and through that have gained working skills to gain employment to pay for the course.
Could you not leave the course for a year, do hair (friends, family, friends of friends) maybe get a job (like retail work or bar work) at the weekend and save like mad?
I don't think it's fair to tar all 16-19 with the same brush, when I done my level 2 at 18 we all worked extremely hard at not one of us left the course.
Wether they continue hairdressing in the future is irrelevant as life throws alsorts at you and it's not always possible to follow the path you wanted.