Well now, if nothing else is highlighted then it just shows how much Creative is loved as a brand and just how loyal people are to it that through thick or thin they don't want to move away, and that is a credit to CND.
really can understand the frustration that many people are feeling. However maybe just take a few moments to think about how those at Hyperion are feeling too. We at least have an option to change brands at the very worst, or at the very least look at some of the "other" methods of obtaining stock so that we may keep our client base. Those at Hyperion don't have this luxury. They have always prided themselves on their customer service and I believe won awards for it, or if not then I know they have been nominated for it.
Do you not think how gutted ALL the people (yes real live people) at Hyperion must be not being able to deliver the goods, not being able to look after their clients as they love to and have a reputation for? Don't you think they know how upset you all are, how many clients they are losing, and how their reputation is suffering? Don't you think they would tell us factual information if they were able to?
I know this will fall on deaf ears, but please, pretty please can we stop all this speculation and do something constructive about it all - such as Scattfoxy did with her other thread.
Moaning is not going to change the situation and I am finding some of the posts on this forum very uncomfortable reading and getting very personal and I just don't want to come on here anymore - never mind moderate it all!
( and I would have written this same post no matter which brand it was, I just don't like the way some posts are being written right now ... and yes I really do wish i could type in words exactly how I am feeling, but life isn't like that and we have to consider other people's feelings as well as our own. Please think what you write before pressing send :hug:, you can't say if you don't like it don't read it, how will I know if I like it until I have read it - it's too bloody late then :lol:
!!!!!!!!!!! )