Hi kitty fee and michelle
Its really nice to meet you
Michelle in my scouring of the web i did find your site a few weeks ago, its lovely and your pics and art are great!
I'm in western Sydney, Rooty Hill if you have ever heard of it? its just past blacktown heading out west.
Thank you for the offer I am looking for a different supplier at the moment, I'm getting them from Parramatta at the moment, but would love to have more options as she doesnt really have a great variety and alot in stock at times.
Is it ok if i email you ?
Its really nice to meet you
Michelle in my scouring of the web i did find your site a few weeks ago, its lovely and your pics and art are great!
I'm in western Sydney, Rooty Hill if you have ever heard of it? its just past blacktown heading out west.
Thank you for the offer I am looking for a different supplier at the moment, I'm getting them from Parramatta at the moment, but would love to have more options as she doesnt really have a great variety and alot in stock at times.
Is it ok if i email you ?