In an industry saturated with discount salons, what does the future hold


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I know..... Years ago I learnt the hard way, I had my nails ruined once at an NSS salon and never returned but for so many.... They just don't seem to mind! Lol

I know mine were messed up after and had to grow the damage out. How frustrating it is. If you say anything against these places, people think it's spite at worst and sour grapes at best. I wish people could see that the difference is like comparing Cordon Bleu to the Golden Arches!!
The best thing we can do is educate the clients who come from there.
I have had clients from there who I've educated and they pass that onto there friends and tell them not to go there.

I know it's annoying especially when there's massive queues outside these NSS. But the clientele they have is young girls,who are not bothered about their nails being butchered, their only attraction there is because they are cheap!

This is why my target clients are working woman, professionals, who want a proper treatment from consultation, to advising on what products are being used, to aftercare.

I walk pass these salons all the time, advertising CND Shellac, no certificate on the wall, doubt it's the same product in the bottle either!

Yes they take 45 mins to do full sets of acrylics, to the 2 1/2 hours I take but my clients are happy coming for 2 1/2 hours that I spend on them, knowing I'm looking after their nails.

The sight outside these salons is horrible! Like you say about 6-8 desks with technicians sitting their with masks on, no certificates on walls to show any qualifications etc and the smell is disgusting!

I will be the happiest person when these salons are finally closed down and genuine professionals like us finally get to do the job properly and gain the clientele we deserve.

Here here!!! Me too!

And it's not because I want to charge people more, it's because for those of us who have spent many years and a great deal of money on products, training, and setting up legitimate businesses it just de values everything we have worked for!!

Roll on regulations.....
I know mine were messed up after and had to grow the damage out. How frustrating it is. If you say anything against these places, people think it's spite at worst and sour grapes at best. I wish people could see that the difference is like comparing Cordon Bleu to the Golden Arches!!

Yeah - it's not because I want to see them fail or I want to charge loads more! It's because all our training is totally de valued, if people don't recognise the difference!
One lady I had in from there had swirls all over her nails under the acrylic and I could not figure out what I was! When she left I was still thinking about it and realised it was damage to her natural nails from the drills! When id finished her nails she said 'they feel so much better and light' - two people now have commented on how heavy and painful their nails have been after going there and how my nails feel like their own! I don't understand how these salons are so popular, everyone seems to know what they are like yet will not bother to find a good trained technician
One lady I had in from there had swirls all over her nails under the acrylic and I could not figure out what I was! When she left I was still thinking about it and realised it was damage to her natural nails from the drills! When id finished her nails she said 'they feel so much better and light' - two people now have commented on how heavy and painful their nails have been after going there and how my nails feel like their own! I don't understand how these salons are so popular, everyone seems to know what they are like yet will not bother to find a good trained technician

That sounds awful and painful!
There is room for us good and caring techs.

What I've found is that some clients I'm getting in tell me that their freinds go to a place in Bletchley in milton keynes, which is known for drilling natural nails to bits. I tell them that shouldn't be happening, no matter what kind of salon they visit, the natural nails shouldn't be drilled, hurt, bleed nor should you have to take ibuprofen.
Then once I've nagged them they say things like "Oh I'm gonna tell my sister / mum / friend what you've just said"

So i hope I'm getting through to some people.

They also say i dont rush them, i talk to them, i speak english, it's relaxing in my room and even tho i take longer than some other salons, they dont mind because it shows I care.
Round here it's £8 for a full set of acrylics!!!

The NSS salons near my businesses in zones 2 & 3 London charge £40-45 for a full set of acrylics with single colour nail polish.

12 years ago, when I was 17, my 2 bffs treated me to a set of acrylics for my birthday. The place was an NSS salon opposite my school in NW5. It cost £32. That was the price 12 years ago & we as teenagers with no income considered it reasonable - so this nonsense about £8 nails being the norm in London is not flying with me.

There's a lot of conjecture & borderline bigotry in your posts. It's quite unpleasant.

The market is over saturated. Not because of NSS salons but because the barriers to entry are extremely low & it is a largely unregulated industry.
The problem with the industry doesn't lie in cheap NSS prices though. Why do these places even exist? Because they can.

Look at the standard.
I see people with absolutely no knowledge in nails, hair, beauty, massage ect popping up shops because they can. People with the intent to use these business as a cover up are able to because they were able to get the ok go to open.

There are people sitting behind them desks filing away til they hit skin because they can. No one's checking their certificates and credentials. No one's slapping their wrists and telling them they shouldn't do that.
There are people running home study, online, fast-track, ect courses where the bare minimum is covered to absolute beginners because they can. People from those courses can get insured despite not knowing all they should know and have no intention on taking more courses to do so because they can.

Everything that we find messed up about the industry happens because it can. They're allowed to. It's full of loopholes, and people interpreting things in their own way.

Question is- what are we all gonna do about it?
Some people do nothing.
Some people pick a scapegoat.
Some people vent.
Some people try to compete.
Some people set themselves apart and market themselves to their desired target clientele.
Some people choose to dedicate their time and money to reach out, educate, and showcase the ones who tend to be tarnished with the same brush as their lower standard counterparts to set them apart from the stereotype.
Some people just carry on as they always have because despite all that stuff going on around them, they were never effected by it.
The NSS salons near my businesses in zones 2 & 3 London charge £40-45 for a full set of acrylics with single colour nail polish.

12 years ago, when I was 17, my 2 bffs treated me to a set of acrylics for my birthday. The place was an NSS salon opposite my school in NW5. It cost £32. That was the price 12 years ago & we as teenagers with no income considered it reasonable - so this nonsense about £8 nails being the norm in London is not flying with me.

There's a lot of conjecture & borderline bigotry in your posts. It's quite unpleasant.

The market is over saturated. Not because of NSS salons but because the barriers to entry are extremely low & it is a largely unregulated industry.

Hmmmmm!!! You've missed the point totally.... Let me set you straight...

Where I live it's average price £8 for a set of nails! fact! I am born and bred in Peckham, I'm black, working class, single mother, blah blah blah....and I love love love my area! There is no bigotry, no conjecture whatsoever intended in my posts. You don't know me or where I'm coming from but let me be clear.... I'm no bigot... Perhaps exactly the opposite- like it or not what I'm saying is fact!

Do not suppose you know my demographic or my local competition because only I know and I am affected! Maybe where you are from it's different but that is what it's like for ME!
Obviously in London there are places where nails are hugely expensive... Kensington, Mayfair, belgravia etc probably the most expensive places ever but I don't live there do I! I never said they were £8 EVERYWHERE, I said where I am!
Those are the prices if you don't believe me, I more than welcome you to come and come and have a look for yourself! You have totally mid-construed my point and where I'm trying to come from! I've too have been doing my nails for many years and 13 years ago when I first started yes I paid £30 but that's my whole point!!!! The industry has changed, prices are competitive and if you can get a set for £8 then what chance do I stand?

I don't want really to travel out of my local area to work, so for me....this is my competition this is what I have to contend with and I'm worried I can't compete! That is all I am saying.... nothing more nothing less!
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The problem with the industry doesn't lie in cheap NSS prices though. Why do these places even exist? Because they can.

Look at the standard.
I see people with absolutely no knowledge in nails, hair, beauty, massage ect popping up shops because they can. People with the intent to use these business as a cover up are able to because they were able to get the ok go to open.

There are people sitting behind them desks filing away til they hit skin because they can. No one's checking their certificates and credentials. No one's slapping their wrists and telling them they shouldn't do that.
There are people running home study, online, fast-track, ect courses where the bare minimum is covered to absolute beginners because they can. People from those courses can get insured despite not knowing all they should know and have no intention on taking more courses to do so because they can.

Everything that we find messed up about the industry happens because it can. They're allowed to. It's full of loopholes, and people interpreting things in their own way.

Question is- what are we all gonna do about it?
Some people do nothing.
Some people pick a scapegoat.
Some people vent.
Some people try to compete.
Some people set themselves apart and market themselves to their desired target clientele.
Some people choose to dedicate their time and money to reach out, educate, and showcase the ones who tend to be tarnished with the same brush as their lower standard counterparts to set them apart from the stereotype.
Some people just carry on as they always have because despite all that stuff going on around them, they were never effected by it.

Very true....
I guess I want to be the second to bottom person you describe! The one who tried to set themselves apart? It's just this is my direct competition, so what chance do I have? Unless I work outside of my area???
There is room for us good and caring techs.

What I've found is that some clients I'm getting in tell me that their freinds go to a place in Bletchley in milton keynes, which is known for drilling natural nails to bits. I tell them that shouldn't be happening, no matter what kind of salon they visit, the natural nails shouldn't be drilled, hurt, bleed nor should you have to take ibuprofen.
Then once I've nagged them they say things like "Oh I'm gonna tell my sister / mum / friend what you've just said"

So i hope I'm getting through to some people.

They also say i dont rush them, i talk to them, i speak english, it's relaxing in my room and even tho i take longer than some other salons, they dont mind because it shows I care.

People actually have to take ibuprofen???!!! Wow!!!!!!
As the title says... Is there truly room for us all In This industry!
There are so many cheap, cheapest and even cheaper salons around now with people less concerned with treating their nails well and more concerned with their bank balance how do we all survive?

how do we find our USP's???

Round here it's £8 for a full set of acrylics!!! Do you really think we decent nail techs have a place? And what does the future hold for the nail industry?

I am my own USP.

I charge quite a bit more than salons here (I'm currently mobile) but I can do that because I am better than them.

I've invested an awful lot of time and money in making sure that my skills are bang up to date and that I train regularly.

There are plenty of clients to go around - they're just different types of clients. I don't have any who just fancy a cheap set of nails that will lift off after a few days.

The best advice i can give you is: never be the cheapest in your area and never, ever compete on price. It's better to be quieter and charge a decent price than to be a busy poor person :)

Sent from my GT-N7100 using SalonGeek mobile app
Very true....
I guess I want to be the second to bottom person you describe! The one who tried to set themselves apart? It's just this is my direct competition, so what chance do I have? Unless I work outside of my area???

I'm pretty familiar with your area. ;) I know of a supply shop in that area and when I paid a visit, I was very shocked by the prices I saw being displayed on the windows of the nearby nail bars. It's as you described, but I wouldn't consider them competition. Take a long hard look at your area, and the surrounding area. Who is your intended market? Who can you appeal to with the service you provide, and do they know about you yet? Are you mobile or working from somewhere?

I'm mobile. It took me endless hours of days of weeks or months of leaflet dropping, networking with the people in this complex and surrounding shops, and dropping my cards at schools that do pamper nights to get this area to know me. My area isn't exactly like yours, but there are those types of prices floating around.
People actually have to take ibuprofen???!!! Wow!!!!!!

Hi H... hope you are ok. I feel I have covered this subject so many times now that I'm not going to read every post. But a few points. Don't always assume that the cheap prices are from unqualified, uninsured therapists. .. most are good at application but rubbish at business. Some do it for hobbies so don't need to charge the going rate. We need some regulation in this industry. .everyone competes with the same services. .. just cheaper. . Find something different to offer.....i'm not even going to mention the hourly rate for therapists as it is to embarrassing. ..I wouldn't open an eyelid for it. ..and add for working for free for experience. is purely exploitation in my eyes as an employer. I'm sure this will upset a few but is my opinion! X

Sent from my GT-N7100 using SalonGeek mobile app
I'm pretty familiar with your area. ;) I know of a supply shop in that area and when I paid a visit, I was very shocked by the prices I saw being displayed on the windows of the nearby nail bars. It's as you described, but I wouldn't consider them competition. Take a long hard look at your area, and the surrounding area. Who is your intended market? Who can you appeal to with the service you provide, and do they know about you yet? Are you mobile or working from somewhere?

I'm mobile. It took me endless hours of days of weeks or months of leaflet dropping, networking with the people in this complex and surrounding shops, and dropping my cards at schools that do pamper nights to get this area to know me. My area isn't exactly like yours, but there are those types of prices floating around.

Yep! I'm not exaggerating or trying to be harsh... It's genuinely the going rate!

I'm going to try the leaflet drops etc but with the temptation of such lower alternatives I'm not sure I will get many. I've been getting people but my prices are still too low compared to lost of you guys in here!

I'm mobile at the moment, I would love to work from somewhere local (good for kids, local connections friends and family) but as I wrote my business plan and was looking at my competitors I thought "gosh my competitors are charging so much lower than me?" Then it dawned on me..,, how can I survive and is my education and dedication going to be enough to survive??!!! Rent here are quite high as it's london and a great location! These lower charging places are teams so together they can pay the rent etc where as lil old me renting a chair isn't going to generate enough profit to pay the rent on my own!
People actually have to take ibuprofen???!!! Wow!!!!!!

Yes a couple of my clients said they've had to take pain killers after the experience and I've read online other peoples testimonies that they too have had to do so.
I am my own USP.

I charge quite a bit more than salons here (I'm currently mobile) but I can do that because I am better than them.

I've invested an awful lot of time and money in making sure that my skills are bang up to date and that I train regularly.

There are plenty of clients to go around - they're just different types of clients. I don't have any who just fancy a cheap set of nails that will lift off after a few days.

The best advice i can give you is: never be the cheapest in your area and never, ever compete on price. It's better to be quieter and charge a decent price than to be a busy poor person :)

Sent from my GT-N7100 using SalonGeek mobile app

Love your last statement!
NSS- Non Standard Salon
Not all are Chinese or of ethnic origin (shock horror) they're professional cowboy and cow girl technicians within our industry who have little or poor knowledge of sanitation and disenfection, do not carry out a client consultation, give pi$$ poor prep/pep and charge low prices, pass fake shellac off as the real McCoy, they use efiles on the natural nails without having the training and cause nail trauma and damage and their diaries are over flowing... I do not want to attract that type of customer , I'm proud that I'm a true professional but that doesn't put food on the table or pay my bills, we need action we need this industry standardised, no one should charge £5-£8 unless the colour its a shelf sitter and at least have it as a one day special offer !!! I'm lucky in some ways as I'm known in my area as the genuine shellac technician with all the colours so my clients keep coming back and they spread the word for me, plus I offer more beauty treatments now its a blessing as out if just relied on nails id if crashed and burned years ago.
Hi H... hope you are ok. I feel I have covered this subject so many times now that I'm not going to read every post. But a few points. Don't always assume that the cheap prices are from unqualified, uninsured therapists. .. most are good at application but rubbish at business. Some do it for hobbies so don't need to charge the going rate. We need some regulation in this industry. .everyone competes with the same services. .. just cheaper. . Find something different to offer.....i'm not even going to mention the hourly rate for therapists as it is to embarrassing. ..I wouldn't open an eyelid for it. ..and add for working for free for experience. is purely exploitation in my eyes as an employer. I'm sure this will upset a few but is my opinion! X

Sent from my GT-N7100 using SalonGeek mobile app

Oh yeah... the application is very often superb..., enviable!! I want to be that good lol, but as I said the emphasis is quantity rather than quality when it comes to products and overall (no consultations drills used all the time, cheap monomer etc).

Virtues give over- your always offending someone with your "hourly rate" debate loooool!!!!!!
NSS- Non Standard Salon
Not all are Chinese or of ethnic origin (shock horror) they're professional cowboy and cow girl technicians within our industry who have little or poor knowledge of sanitation and disenfection, do not carry out a client consultation, give pi$$ poor prep/pep and charge low prices, pass fake shellac off as the real McCoy, they use efiles on the natural nails without having the training and cause nail trauma and damage and their diaries are over flowing... I do not want to attract that type of customer , I'm proud that I'm a true professional but that doesn't put food on the table or pay my bills, we need action we need this industry standardised, no one should charge £5-£8 unless the colour its a shelf sitter and at least have it as a one day special offer !!! I'm lucky in some ways as I'm known in my area as the genuine shellac technician with all the colours so my clients keep coming back and they spread the word for me, plus I offer more beauty treatments now its a blessing as out if just relied on nails id if crashed and burned years ago.

I think the day I realised I could do it anymore was Years ago, in a NSS salon- when the tech cut me with an electric drill- blood everywhere! He said sorry but I then watched him straight drill the persons nails after me with the same drill with no sanitisation, nothing!!!

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