In an industry saturated with discount salons, what does the future hold


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Yes a couple of my clients said they've had to take pain killers after the experience and I've read online other peoples testimonies that they too have had to do so.

Agreed, I've heard the same !
Agreed, I've heard the same !

Actually, now you mention it.... years ago when I was 17, I remember doing my nails and having to take paracetamol!!
I am my own USP.

I charge quite a bit more than salons here (I'm currently mobile) but I can do that because I am better than them.

I've invested an awful lot of time and money in making sure that my skills are bang up to date and that I train regularly.

There are plenty of clients to go around - they're just different types of clients. I don't have any who just fancy a cheap set of nails that will lift off after a few days.

The best advice i can give you is: never be the cheapest in your area and never, ever compete on price. It's better to be quieter and charge a decent price than to be a busy poor person :)

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I love that. We should all be our own USP's :)

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I spent about 12 months going to an NSS (I was 17) & spent £28 every two weeks.

No consultation, or even conversation or asking what you want. My friend had fairly long nails & they just clipped them off... She could have wanted an overlay or manicure but didnt get an option!

E file on natural nails, e file on cuticles, ive bled numerous times. It actually hurt to prep! I openly said 'Ouch' or 'stop' there was around 7 desks each one would do the next step til you got to your airbrush design. Eventually I got the same man start to finish because I spoke out when they hurt me. & he wasnt as harsh as the others.

The next day any pressure on my nail beds hurt/burned/throbbed. But they lasted with out lifting so I endured the torture.

When I finally stopped having them my nails were paper thin with C marks from side wall to side wall from where they had drilled down the bulk but actually got my natural nail too. & they went a lovely shade of yellow on the sunbeds.

I still cant stand nail art because of all the designs everyone use to have from there.

Look at all the things listed you wont offer... 😊 could you do a friend or family member a treatment? Then allow them to tell their friends how much better the service is? How it isnt painful, nor should it be... In a hope word will get round they are slowly being butchered at the NSS.

Hi H... hope you are ok. I feel I have covered this subject so many times now that I'm not going to read every post. But a few points. Don't always assume that the cheap prices are from unqualified, uninsured therapists. .. most are good at application but rubbish at business. Some do it for hobbies so don't need to charge the going rate. We need some regulation in this industry. .everyone competes with the same services. .. just cheaper. . Find something different to offer.....i'm not even going to mention the hourly rate for therapists as it is to embarrassing. ..I wouldn't open an eyelid for it. ..and add for working for free for experience. is purely exploitation in my eyes as an employer. I'm sure this will upset a few but is my opinion! X

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The lady i had in last night told me she'd been to serveral places in MK and one of them was a proper salon, she said "They didn't do that when i visited them!" I asked her what she meant, she said putting polish on the ends....she ment capping the free edge :eek:, I was shocked i thought that would have been standard.

And a certain Hall / spa in buckinghamshire does a very poor shellac but at an inflated price, poor customer service and apparently you get rushed through your allotted time frame (according to 3 of my ladies)

So i think there's a lot at it, but lets just hope us lot can shine through with our passion, knowledge and artistic flair!! :hug:
I spent about 12 months going to an NSS (I was 17) & spent £28 every two weeks.

No consultation, or even conversation or asking what you want. My friend had fairly long nails & they just clipped them off... She could have wanted an overlay or manicure but didnt get an option!

E file on natural nails, e file on cuticles, ive bled numerous times. It actually hurt to prep! I openly said 'Ouch' or 'stop' there was around 7 desks each one would do the next step til you got to your airbrush design. Eventually I got the same man start to finish because I spoke out when they hurt me. & he wasnt as harsh as the others.

The next day any pressure on my nail beds hurt/burned/throbbed. But they lasted with out lifting so I endured the torture.

When I finally stopped having them my nails were paper thin with C marks from side wall to side wall from where they had drilled down the bulk but actually got my natural nail too. & they went a lovely shade of yellow on the sunbeds.

I still cant stand nail art because of all the designs everyone use to have from there.

Look at all the things listed you wont offer... 😊 could you do a friend or family member a treatment? Then allow them to tell their friends how much better the service is? How it isnt painful, nor should it be... In a hope word will get round they are slowly being butchered at the NSS.


Ouch .,, sounds awful! I know the familiar drill groove very well as when I was young I used to love having acrylic nails done so I used to bare it... I had no idea there were nail techs out there who didn't do it like that.

One time the acrylic was applied so thick it was years ago... The old MMA Acrylic and I caught my tip of the forefinger in my sons buggy and it ripped my nail off! The whole acrylic nail and my whole finger nail went with it/ it was excruciating!!!'

It took 2 months or longer to grow back all this yellow stuff seeped out from under the nail bed and it dropped off when the new nail pushed up from the cuticle! It was gorey and painful- Worse than childbirth it was lol!!
Hmmmmm!!! You've missed the point totally.... Let me set you straight...

Where I live it's average price £8 for a set of nails! fact! I am born and bred in Peckham, I'm black, working class, single mother, blah blah blah....and I love love love my area! There is no bigotry, no conjecture whatsoever intended in my posts. You don't know me or where I'm coming from but let me be clear.... I'm no bigot... Perhaps exactly the opposite- like it or not what I'm saying is fact!

Do not suppose you know my demographic or my local competition because only I know and I am affected! Maybe where you are from it's different but that is what it's like for ME!
Obviously in London there are places where nails are hugely expensive... Kensington, Mayfair, belgravia etc probably the most expensive places ever but I don't live there do I! I never said they were £8 EVERYWHERE, I said where I am!
Those are the prices if you don't believe me, I more than welcome you to come and come and have a look for yourself! You have totally mid-construed my point and where I'm trying to come from! I've too have been doing my nails for many years and 13 years ago when I first started yes I paid £30 but that's my whole point!!!! The industry has changed, prices are competitive and if you can get a set for £8 then what chance do I stand?

I don't want really to travel out of my local area to work, so for me....this is my competition this is what I have to contend with and I'm worried I can't compete! That is all I am saying.... nothing more nothing less!

Ha ha ha H... you make me chuckle. ..look at you getting all aggressive and setting your point straight. ...Good for you Girl! Now back to the hourly rate. ... do people really work for £6.50 or less? !! Ha ha ... Times that by six minimum and I may just think about it! (Smirk) ... Back to the subject. .£8.00 shellac ..... even I can't work that out. .. but if anyone has done the training with CND you know how much the products are per client, even if you charged yourselves minimum wage took out your overheads you can still make a profit on charging £15 pet set. ...however back to my point. ... do people really work for £6.50 or less?

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The lady i had in last night told me she'd been to serveral places in MK and one of them was a proper salon, she said "They didn't do that when i visited them!" I asked her what she meant, she said putting polish on the ends....she ment capping the free edge :eek:, I was shocked i thought that would have been standard.

And a certain Hall / spa in buckinghamshire does a very poor shellac but at an inflated price, poor customer service and apparently you get rushed through your allotted time frame (according to 3 of my ladies)

So i think there's a lot at it, but lets just hope us lot can shine through with our passion, knowledge and artistic flair!! :hug:

I've never had my nails capped anywhere. I used to have regular manicures (salons/health clubs) before starting my training. All used either OPI or Jessica, but all we're chipped by the next day and we all know these are good brands, it's just the application that had gone awry. I even had geleration leak through the side wall once, where the tech applied the colour so thick it hadn't cured...2 or 3 days after the mani! And yes, my cuticles have bled from being nipped too close. I guess you will find this anywhere.

For me, I'm mostly scared because although I know I'm a perfectionist - albeit a still in training one, I'm totally new to my area. I know nobody here, no family to practise on or put the word out, no friends yet made at my daughters school...I don't know where to start with getting my name out there, let alone competing with the local NSS'. I tried a leaflet drop 3 weeks ago and have had no response, while every time I walk past their shop windows, they're full of clients. It's very disheartening :/

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Ouch .,, sounds awful! I know the familiar drill groove very well as when I was young I used to love having acrylic nails done so I used to bare it... I had no idea there were nail techs out there who didn't do it like that.

One time the acrylic was applied so thick it was years ago... The old MMA Acrylic and I caught my tip of the forefinger in my sons buggy and it ripped my nail off! The whole acrylic nail and my whole finger nail went with it/ it was excruciating!!!'

It took 2 months or longer to grow back all this yellow stuff seeped out from under the nail bed and it dropped off when the new nail pushed up from the cuticle! It was gorey and painful- Worse than childbirth it was lol!!

NOOOOOOOOOO!!! Oh my days!! I got bitten through my thumbnail by our hamster once, that was painful enough...I cannot imagine how excruciating that would be!!!!

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ive seen loads of posts on FB and on gumtree doing £8 gelish / shellac
It's not gonna be genuine tho is it. You can get so many copies on ebay nowadays.
Ha ha ha H... you make me chuckle. ..look at you getting all aggressive and setting your point straight. ...Good for you Girl! Now back to the hourly rate. ... do people really work for £6.50 or less? !! Ha ha ... Times that by six minimum and I may just think about it! (Smirk) ... Back to the subject. .£8.00 shellac ..... even I can't work that out. .. but if anyone has done the training with CND you know how much the products are per client, even if you charged yourselves minimum wage took out your overheads you can still make a profit on charging £15 pet set. ...however back to my point. ... do people really work for £6.50 or less?

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I NEVER like being misconstrued... Like your good self I like to say what I mean and mean what I say....
In answer to your question yes they do... Desperate times call for desperate measures.... I doubt the profits these salons make equate to more than that after rent etc even if they only charge £8 per set! And what about all the mobile techs etc who charge silly prices???? They can't make much more either!
I've never had my nails capped anywhere. I used to have regular manicures (salons/health clubs) before starting my training. All used either OPI or Jessica, but all we're chipped by the next day and we all know these are good brands, it's just the application that had gone awry. I even had geleration leak through the side wall once, where the tech applied the colour so thick it hadn't cured...2 or 3 days after the mani! And yes, my cuticles have bled from being nipped too close. I guess you will find this anywhere.

For me, I'm mostly scared because although I know I'm a perfectionist - albeit a still in training one, I'm totally new to my area. I know nobody here, no family to practise on or put the word out, no friends yet made at my daughters school...I don't know where to start with getting my name out there, let alone competing with the local NSS'. I tried a leaflet drop 3 weeks ago and have had no response, while every time I walk past their shop windows, they're full of clients. It's very disheartening :/

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I know what you mean but you HAVE to ignore them and get on with your own stuff.
I did a small leaflet drop but it didn't do anything, get yourself a website and a good facebook page too. x
This topic comes up SO often!!! There is no solution except what has been said time and time again!! Concentrate on your own business, be the best you can be, work for a living wage, work smarter not harder, educate you clients......

So may keep talking about regulation and 'they' do nothing about it!! Regulation has to come from within the industry. The Government will do nothing about it while the industry does nothing either! Fact.

There have been MANY initiatives by relevant organisations to provide some regulation but what happens? Nothing because the industry will not get behind anything. Why? Because it costs money. Because many will find themselves lacking in appropriate qualifications (and I'm not just talking NVQ's here)

Sorry, but it really is a boring subject when all there is is a lot of complaining and no action. Habia have launched a new initiative for professional registration. How many know about it and if you do, how many will do anything about it??

Very few!
I NEVER like being misconstrued... Like your good self I like to say what I mean and mean what I say....
In answer to your question yes they do... Desperate times call for desperate measures.... I doubt the profits these salons make equate to more than that after rent etc even if they only charge £8 per set! And what about all the mobile techs etc who charge silly prices???? They can't make much more either!

In all seriousness I don't know how people can even begin to make a living in this industry. .I couldn't do it... nor would I want to. It's too competitive for no return. Soul destroying in fact.

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In all seriousness I don't know how people can even begin to make a living in this industry. .I couldn't do it... nor would I want to. It's too competitive for no return. Soul destroying in fact.

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Quite a lot do! And do very well
In all seriousness I don't know how people can even begin to make a living in this industry. .I couldn't do it... nor would I want to. It's too competitive for no return. Soul destroying in fact.

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Finding the USP is where the big bucks lie virtues.... It's about doing it right and there is money to be made, you just have to see it differently... For instance if you can be one of those salons the person from earlier insisted she knew about then they charge £45 per set of nails.., build up clientele branch out expand take on staff training etc etc
This topic comes up SO often!!! There is no solution except what has been said time and time again!! Concentrate on your own business, be the best you can be, work for a living wage, work smarter not harder, educate you clients......

So may keep talking about regulation and 'they' do nothing about it!! Regulation has to come from within the industry. The Government will do nothing about it while the industry does nothing either! Fact.

There have been MANY initiatives by relevant organisations to provide some regulation but what happens? Nothing because the industry will not get behind anything. Why? Because it costs money. Because many will find themselves lacking in appropriate qualifications (and I'm not just talking NVQ's here)

Sorry, but it really is a boring subject when all there is is a lot of complaining and no action. Habia have launched a new initiative for professional registration. How many know about it and if you do, how many will do anything about it??

Very few!

I'm probably one of those that talk about there should be regulations but do nothing about it. . I'm not passionate enough about it. I don't need to make a living from it and I wouldn't waste my time doing so. Yes a little hypocritical but I admit it nonetheless.

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I'm probably one of those that talk about there should be regulations but do nothing about it. . I'm not passionate enough about it. I don't need to make a living from it and I wouldn't waste my time doing so. Yes a little hypocritical but I admit it nonetheless.

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Why on earth do you spend so much time on here debating an industry you have no interest in and don't need to make your income? Genuine question.
As the title says... Is there truly room for us all In This industry!
There are so many cheap, cheapest and even cheaper salons around now with people less concerned with treating their nails well and more concerned with their bank balance how do we all survive?

how do we find our USP's???

Round here it's £8 for a full set of acrylics!!! Do you really think we decent nail techs have a place? And what does the future hold for the nail industry?

Oh my god! £8 :o
How do they possible survive
Surely these cant be a good set of nails x
Wow id would well rather pay more to have a decent set and i know you guys would too x
And really feel for you to have that sort
Of pricing around you x
Because a lot of people do fall for the price rater than quality
Maybe the NSS are becoming the standard 😩

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