In an industry saturated with discount salons, what does the future hold


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I'm not sure why the beauty industry is currently engaging in a race to the bottom. It seems mad to me, rather like a certain outspoken person on this thread who charges £15 for an hours work ( her staffs time) then says there's no money in this industry!!!!

Ok, how to earn a good living:

1 be great at what you do. Practice non stop until you are a total expert.

2 charge properly. Don't worry about the benefit bandits charging thruppence. Charge to actually make a living.

3 hold your nerve, and don't EVER discount.

I have seen two recessions as a hairdresser, lots of my friends and competitors have lost their salons. I'm still standing, as packed busy as ever. There's no magic to it.
Hi H... hope you are ok. I feel I have covered this subject so many times now that I'm not going to read every post. But a few points. Don't always assume that the cheap prices are from unqualified, uninsured therapists. .. most are good at application but rubbish at business. Some do it for hobbies so don't need to charge the going rate. We need some regulation in this industry. .everyone competes with the same services. .. just cheaper. . Find something different to offer.....i'm not even going to mention the hourly rate for therapists as it is to embarrassing. ..I wouldn't open an eyelid for it. ..and add for working for free for experience. is purely exploitation in my eyes as an employer. I'm sure this will upset a few but is my opinion! X

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Talking about working for free x
When i was a salon junior 7 years ago
My shift was 10am - 7 pm
My boss booked me in back to back luxury pedis
I had no dinner or break etc
And at the end if the day she said
I noticed how many tips you got so that will make up for your wages !
And didn't pay me a bean!
Not even a well done , my clients were all happy as You can tell by my tips i received

I was totaly shocked at this and walked out there and then xx

If i ever own my own salon or any business i would never do this to anyone x
Why on earth do you spend so much time on here debating an industry you have no interest in and don't need to make your income? Genuine question.

Genuine answer. . I have both a hair salon (which I bought for my daughter who needed an apprenticship in hairdressing) and I have a home salon where I specialise in CACI treatments- I have an interest in skincare and non surgical solutions. I bought the machine for myself but realised I could turn it into a lucrative hobby. .. I have always been in Senior Management and was a General Manager and Company Secretary for twelve years in Industrial Valve Manufacturing. I am a financial director of our own innovations company, where we have recently been awarded 2013 grant winners from the Government Technology Strategy Board for outstanding innovation for a revolutionary compact hair styling brush...I am also involved in various other businesses. You very rarely see me in the hair or skin forums but you will find me in the business forum.

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I'm not sure why the beauty industry is currently engaging in a race to the bottom. It seems mad to me, rather like a certain outspoken person on this thread who charges £15 for an hours work ( her staffs time) then says there's no money in this industry!!!!

What I do in my salon is my business. Do I slate you for your outspoken ' I've been in the industry 15+ years and have never had to advertise' good for you persianista... it would be interesting to see what happens if your salon drops clients. ..but of course it never would, would it ! We had this conversation a few months ago. ..I explained when I first bought it it was shut 3 days a week and the youngest client was 80+ ......I charge £15 on a Monday for a cut and blow dry. An hours wage and little product still makes a profit. ...good for me!! Am I on here saying ' I have no customers...' 'i have to close my salon as it is not profitable' No.... when I do I'll take your comments on board. .. nothing personal.

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Virtues2011 - Well done to you on a personal level, you should be proud. However, most if not all nail techs on here do need to earn a living from doing nails be it as a full time or 2nd job. They probably wouldnt appreciate comments along the lines that you have made. These hardworking techs depend on their livelihood and do it very well, having trained and put hardwork into every service they provide. It is essential they earn enough and be appreciated.

Im guessing as a fellow business woman who is found on the business forum would be quite happy to advise on business questions/suggestions should anyone need it?
Virtues2011 - Well done to you on a personal level, you should be proud. However, most if not all nail techs on here do need to earn a living from doing nails be it as a full time or 2nd job. They probably wouldnt appreciate comments along the lines that you have made. These hardworking techs depend on their livelihood and do it very well, having trained and put hardwork into every service they provide. It is essential they earn enough and be appreciated.

Im guessing as a fellow business woman who is found on the business forum would be quite happy to advise on business questions/suggestions should anyone need it?

There are very talented people on here I am not saying there aren't. Amazing. However you want to look at it, working for a service that charges £8 for a set of shellac how are you meant to make a living? It is impossible. . Busy fool scenario.

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I think it's important for those of us who are successful to share positive strategies for those people who are struggling. Just condemning an entire industry isn't helpful. Some of us have made extremely good livings from our industry.

And it's 28 years, not 15
The last straw with my local nss was the day before my wedding. Cut me with the drill (on my ring finger!!)
Got married the next day with a red gash on my finger and a red tinge in the acrylic around zone 3- fabulous! :(
I think it's important for those of us who are successful to share positive strategies for those people who are struggling. Just condemning an entire industry isn't helpful. Some of us have made extremely good livings from our industry.

And it's 28 years, not 15

Yes that why I put 15+ .... you have very outspoken opinions and some of them I agree with and some I don't. I am the same. It doesn't mean either of us are 100 percent correct but considering both of us are successful maybe we should give each other the mutual respect and understanding we both deserve. . I think your comments on how I run my salon are a little below the belt and personal.

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Back to the OP...

Yes I do think there are issues in the industry, too many people training for the size of the market, local councils making life harder than needed for salons, HMRC rules being all over the place, groupon mentality devaluing services, low bar to entry for nail services, and the issue of money launders and people traffickers to name but a few.

However, there are still nice, decent people out there who will pay for quality services. We know that.
If price was the only selling point, Prada, Gucci et al would be out of business.

Now, I HAVE lost clients to 'cheap' deals at other salons, but they come back, usually a bit sheepish, saying they were a bit skint, but after a bog-boring cut, regard me as a 'proper' hairdresser. I'm good at what I do, and proud to charge properly for my work.

On Tuesday and Wednesday this week, both my salons were quiet. My staff asked if they could do a text run with an offer. I told them not to, said they should hold nerve. Thurs, Fri and Saturday we have been mobbed. It's actually been a good week. I asked my salon manager if she was glad that she didnt just give away a discount and take 25% less. She agreed that she felt great charging full price, and being packed.

I promise, discounts don't work. Self belief and skill do.
NSS- Non Standard Salon
Not all are Chinese or of ethnic origin (shock horror) they're professional cowboy and cow girl technicians within our industry who have little or poor knowledge of sanitation and disenfection, do not carry out a client consultation, give pi$$ poor prep/pep and charge low prices, pass fake shellac off as the real McCoy, they use efiles on the natural nails without having the training and cause nail trauma and damage and their diaries are over flowing... I do not want to attract that type of customer , I'm proud that I'm a true professional but that doesn't put food on the table or pay my bills, we need action we need this industry standardised, no one should charge £5-£8 unless the colour its a shelf sitter and at least have it as a one day special offer !!! I'm lucky in some ways as I'm known in my area as the genuine shellac technician with all the colours so my clients keep coming back and they spread the word for me, plus I offer more beauty treatments now its a blessing as out if just relied on nails id if crashed and burned years ago.

Evidence of poor sanitation & disinfection .....scary


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Evidence of poor sanitation & disinfection .....scary

Christ I'm speechless, really?

Actually i was watching "On benifits and proud" on channel 5 last week, and the single mum was in a high street salon in london and she was chatting away to the camera, i the other hand was shouting at the telly because the male nail tech was filing down her nails with an E-file :( (mind u she wasn't the brightest button lol)
Christ I'm speechless, really?

Actually i was watching "On benifits and proud" on channel 5 last week, and the single mum was in a high street salon in london and she was chatting away to the camera, i the other hand was shouting at the telly because the male nail tech was filing down her nails with an E-file :( (mind u she wasn't the brightest button lol)

Yes, really , her nails basically rotted off , they seem to be recovering well but is on medication for the next 6 months at least.
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Yes, really , her nails basically rotted off , they seem to be recovering well but is on medication for the next 6 months at least.

Wow poor woman
Evidence of poor sanitation & disinfection .....scary

Oh my goodness!!! I I'm so shocked!!! This is like one of those things you see on a channel 4 documentary!!!! It's awful!
Great post from Persianista!

The facts are that the Salon service industry is booming as never before particularly in the nail sector ...
Despite NSS
Despite eBay
Despite amazon
Despite diversion
Despite DIY ers

I think the future is bright as long as we still have conscientious professionals who offer skill, service and a high end experience ... There will always be those who want it. There will also be those who don't care.
The last straw with my local nss was the day before my wedding. Cut me with the drill (on my ring finger!!)
Got married the next day with a red gash on my finger and a red tinge in the acrylic around zone 3- fabulous! :(

Sums it all up really!
There is room for us good and caring techs.

What I've found is that some clients I'm getting in tell me that their freinds go to a place in Bletchley in milton keynes, which is known for drilling natural nails to bits. I tell them that shouldn't be happening, no matter what kind of salon they visit, the natural nails shouldn't be drilled, hurt, bleed nor should you have to take ibuprofen.
Then once I've nagged them they say things like "Oh I'm gonna tell my sister / mum / friend what you've just said"

So i hope I'm getting through to some people.

They also say i dont rush them, i talk to them, i speak english, it's relaxing in my room and even tho i take longer than some other salons, they dont mind because it shows I care.

In the hair salon I work in all the girls that work there have their nails done by me, except this one stylist who insists on going to this NSS that she has been going to for years! She's totally stuck in her ways, loves her concrete nails and thinks it's totally normal that when she gets a new full set to have to take painkillers to get through the day!

I keep trying to tell her that this is not normal, and she knows that my standard of work is good and that my products are amazing...however she's happy with the NSS & tbh I couldn't reproduce the nails that she has there (big fat with HUGE white tips) so I just let her carry on going.

I have no other issues with my local area being predominantly NSS...I don't see them as competition at all. They're not. If you want butchered nails with no after care and no customer service you can visit them.
And if you want lovely nails, great choices, aftercare advice, awesome products, relaxing surroundings and great conversation (ok, that might be pushing it a bit ;)) then you come to's a no brainer really!
I guess this is a bigger picture type scenario... In the case of SOME not all of these salons... The working conditions are bad. Some of these people may be trafficked or here just trying to stay under the radar and make a better life for themselves and they are working for less than minimum wage, long hours, electric drills, dust particles, fumes etc just to survive in this (surprisingly harsh) country! The work is tough, as well all know I can't imagine doing it 10-12 hours per day!

Our government and industry could and should be doing more to stop this....

And I would join the HABIA register if I thought it would do any good... But without proper backing from the government, I fear that it won't!
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Evidence of poor sanitation & disinfection .....scary

Seeing that image really fuels my anger, I'm just speechless!!! I feel for that client, She like many others would of wanted her nails to look fabulous and ends up on medication to get rid of the infection caused by a so called pro nail butcher who tarnishes all the reputations of the real professionals who have a passion for nail care and their business.

I've seen more and more ladies just recently with holes in their actual nail plate from excessive e-filing, heard too many ladies say that afterwards their nails hurt, i just don't get it!!!

I remember a time when I booked in to have my nails done at a salon and I left during my treatment as the technician blew on my nail to get rid of the dust, but I know not everyone has that confidence to do that but I wish more ladies would!

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