If I'm honest I'm worried that if I went further with it they will find out where I work and slander me or my my life hell x
I doubt they would prob have the time for that, besides if you won, you get the last laugh!
It depends how much you want your money back, principal and time.
It is a difficult one to prove as I said in my earlier post as you would have to prove negligence, or false advertising etc etc.
It would cost you time and money and possibly your word against theirs.
As far as making a complaint and taking it further it might look like you just 'don't like them' and therefore you will lose.
I'm on your side, so please don't take me the wrong way, I'm just trying to help you. x
What you should do now is wait a frw months and then it will be coming up to a year since they originally did them, then go to a skilled microblading tech who can cover them.
If you went a little thicker, perhaps a teenie tiny bit darker, or colour corrected (hard to tell which from your pics but the tech will know) and also had said skilled tech do a microblading and microshading combo on you, I think they could turn out to be bloody fab!
Because your current faded microblading will sort of be sandwiched in between your new brows if you go a little thicker (1mm say) then you will already have a really nice shaded look that will just need tweaking.
Good luck