What will our poor jacquelineanna have to say about this....


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Lyndsey!! You have been absent for hours and the other girls have worked hard to smooth my ruffled feathers and make me happy.

And along you come just as its time to go to bed to try and upset me again.

Right, now your nails are beautiful wait for a knock on your door, pack a small overnight case you won't be needing much in jail.

And try not to look too pretty .. you know what happens to pretty girls in jail .. and those beautiful nails won't help either lol

I know you are joking my lovely .. I'm not though!!

Lol, I am really. Just in case you were wondering! :hug:

I cannot believe this. You have offended me in the mother of all ways!

You mis spelt my name! Us LyndsAy's are very sensitive about that. I will let you off this one time as
It's a first, but anymore and I am afrai I cannot let that slide! And I for one am not joking! LOL!

And I am sorry I couldn't resist I was away doing my nails, walking the dog, eating some pickled pee (pickled onion walkers) and then I came on and thought I would mix it up a bit.

Ps. Tammie is not trying to make you happy. I believe she is calling you a psycho and all HAHA! x
I cannot believe this. You have offended me in the mother of all ways!

You mis spelt my name! Us LyndsAy's are very sensitive about that. I will let you off this one time as
It's a first, but anymore and I am afrai I cannot let that slide! And I for one am not joking! LOL!

And I am sorry I couldn't resist I was away doing my nails, walking the dog, eating some pickled pee (pickled onion walkers) and then I came on and thought I would mix it up a bit.

Ps. Tammie is not trying to make you happy. I believe she is calling you a psycho and all HAHA! x

Hmm, so sorry LyndsAy, it won't happen again, I've got enough to deal with with that Tammie woman without adding you to my list.

You look so sweet in your picture but look at you trying to inflame the 'pyscho' situation lol

It must be the pickled onion crisps xxx
Hmm, so sorry LyndsAy, it won't happen again, I've got enough to deal with with that Tammie woman without adding you to my list.

You look so sweet in your picture but look at you trying to inflame the 'pyscho' situation lol

It must be the pickled onion crisps xxx

It's ok but it does get us Lyndsays riled up! Haha!

Aw I'm only joking, i found her comment really funny. And the one yesterday I think about you not bathing in 25 years! I'm laughing now just writing it.

Also it's pickled pee. That's what I like to say. Xxx
It's ok but it does get us Lyndsays riled up! Haha!

Aw I'm only joking, i found her comment really funny. And the one yesterday I think about you not bathing in 25 years! I'm laughing now just writing it.

Also it's pickled pee. That's what I like to say. Xxx

Sounds nasty!!!

Just as well you told me they were crisps lol
Bliney. I go to bed early 'cos I had to be up at 5 and look how much I've missed!!!
What - nobody even likes my funnyness, I am deeply offended by you horrible Geeks and shall not return until my Tammie and Jacqui are here to kick ass by my side in our funky costumes ;)

Morning Geeky ones - hope you are all hving a lovely day so far xxx
Getting worried 'cos I have come in after 13 hours away and so little posting.
I am TERRIBLY concerned that I am about to see a News Flash concerning a very serious incident involving certain geeks who shall be nameless.
But hatchets will be involved. Plus the odd strait-jacket or two.
What - nobody even likes my funnyness, I am deeply offended by you horrible Geeks and shall not return until my Tammie and Jacqui are here to kick ass by my side in our funky costumes ;)

Morning Geeky ones - hope you are all hving a lovely day so far xxx

I do, dear daughter!
What - nobody even likes my funnyness, I am deeply offended by you horrible Geeks and shall not return until my Tammie and Jacqui are here to kick ass by my side in our funky costumes ;)

Morning Geeky ones - hope you are all hving a lovely day so far xxx

Lol, I'v got my kit on and am here to help you kick these cheeky girls butts .. why don't they see how funny you are???
Fanks mums :D

I am so massively funny that I regularly hospitalise people whose sides have split with laughter ;)

Just sat blubbing over Pride of Britian awards at the mo though - temporary soft spot moment lol Can't be bad ass all the time now can I ;) xxx
I wasn't even here to defend myself.

Yer -- where you been???

Gurrrl, my credit card got hacked for $12K just in time for my Caribbean cruise. I spent all day yesterday between my bank and the police station.

I'm in no mood for frivolity!
Gurrrl, my credit card got hacked for $12K just in time for my Caribbean cruise. I spent all day yesterday between my bank and the police station.

I'm in no mood for frivolity!

OMG!!! .. My cards have been hacked like this 3/4 times but nothing over £1000.00 and never had the police involved.

Big hug for you ... oh dear, I'm all depressed now.

What shall we do?
OMG!!! .. My cards have been hacked like this 3/4 times but nothing over £1000.00 and never had the police involved.

Big hug for you ... oh dear, I'm all depressed now.

What shall we do?

So what did you buy with that $12K, Jacqui? Hmmmm? Did you take Axl out on my dime? Hmmmmm? Did you buy him a nice meal and a nice bottle of champagne? Hmmmm? A nice room and some chocolate covered stawberries? Hmmmmm?

Don't think I'm not on to you, Missy? You and Axl and your, your debotchery.
So what did you buy with that $12K, Jacqui? Hmmmm? Did you take Axl out on my dime? Hmmmmm? Did you buy him a nice meal and a nice bottle of champagne? Hmmmm? A nice room and some chocolate covered stawberries? Hmmmmm?

Don't think I'm not on to you, Missy? You and Axl and your, your debotchery.
You see what happens when you try to be kind and sympathetic .. ooh you are so evil!!!

Ha, I still have your $12k in my pocket .. I never pay for a man, old fashioned maybe but that's the way it is. If he wants to take me out then he pays.

And I'm just wondering how best to spend it that will annoy you the most hehe

Ooh, I spotted on a food thread that you collect coupons and are a thrifty shopper .. I would go to Harrods and do a fortnight's shopping .. that should cost $12k .. haha, that would make you really sick wouldn't it.
You see what happens when you try to be kind and sympathetic .. ooh you are so evil!!!

Ha, I still have your $12k in my pocket .. I never pay for a man, old fashioned maybe but that's the way it is. If he wants to take me out then he pays.

And I'm just wondering how best to spend it that will annoy you the most hehe

Ooh, I spotted on a food thread that you collect coupons and are a thrifty shopper .. I would go to Harrods and do a fortnight's shopping .. that should cost $12k .. haha, that would make you really sick wouldn't it.

$12K...for a fortnight? Jeezus? How much does food cost over there?

But yes, that would drive me mad. I would rather you bought diamonds to lure your beloved AXL because rumor has it,

You're ugly as hell!

$12K...for a fortnight? Jeezus? How much does food cost over there?

But yes, that would drive me mad. I would rather you bought diamonds to lure your beloved AXL because rumor has it,

You're ugly as hell!


If you buy anything at Harrods you need a 'diamond and platinum' card and they don't even make one of those.

Yep that was a good choice .. $12k worth of groceries .. wonder how much Harrods sausages cost???

Yer, you've heard that saying 'hot as hell ..?

And ugly is the new gorgeous you ... you ... you .. bad girl you.
If you buy anything at Harrods you need a 'diamond and platinum' card and they don't even make one of those.

Yep that was a good choice .. $12k worth of groceries .. wonder how much Harrods sausages cost???

Yer, you've heard that saying 'hot as hell ..?

And ugly is the new gorgeous you ... you ... you .. bad girl you.

Hmmmm, makes me wonder why we haven't see a picture of you yet. Are you a blonde bombshell? Or just a blonde BOMB?

So you're one of those girls they say..."but, she has a lovely personality"

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