This is the thread about leslie ash program and it raises some good points
But to be honest - just because someone is medically trained - doesn't make them 'better' or more knowledgable than a beauty therapist.
Take electrolysis, IPL, bio skin jetting or permanent make-up - would you only go to a medically trained person for these invasive - potentially scarring treatments? Why not? surely a beauty therapist is not medically qualified to carry out these treatments - reguardless of the fact they should/would have extensive knowledge of the skin, muscles, hormone system, nervous system and above all - a high level of skill. A medical professional may not fully be trained in the above, like a nurse (I have had rough nurses bruise me to bits for blood taking) .
I think everyone should meet a criteria - to carry out these treatments medical or not. If you don't meet it - you can't do it.